High Commission of India, Georgetown, Guyana
Press Release Press Release

Celebrations of IDY 2021 with Guyana Defense Force Officers in Georgetown


International Day of Yoga celebrated with the GUYANA DEFENCE FORCES

            In the run up to this year's International Day of Yoga (IDY-2021), the High Commission of India in Guyana led by High Commissioner Dr KJ Srinivasa organized a Yoga Session with the Ranks of the Guyana Defence Force today 14 June 2021 in the Auditorium at Base Camp Ayanganna.  30 officers from GDF attended the yoga session. Inspector General Colonel Kenlloyd Roberts from GDF and the High Commissioner of India to Guyana, H. E. Dr. K. J. Srinivasa were present during the Yoga session.  While addressing the GDF officers at the yoga session, the High Commissioner shared information about Yoga and its relevance and how several people across the globe are benefiting by practicing Yoga during the COVID-19 pandemic. High Commissioner Dr KJ Srinivasa then led the yoga session.

            The Yoga Session was organised with the aim of extending benefits of Yoga to the Ranks of GDF in these testing times of COVID-19 pandemic.  Millions across the world have found practising Yoga helpful during the lockdown and to find solace from the isolation forced upon them due to the COVID-19 restrictions. It has also helped them immensely in controlling mental stress and tension as well as to keep healthy and fit.  Thus, India’s gift of Yoga to humankind all over the globe has truly been a life saver.

            In December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution sponsored by 177 member nations unanimously proclaiming 21st  June, the longest day in the northern-hemisphere, as International Day of Yoga. Since then, 21st June is being celebrated as International Day of Yoga every year.  Yoga is a system of holistic living, having its roots in Indian tradition and culture. Yoga has transcended the barrier of race, religion and culture and has become a global movement. Yoga is essentially a mental and physical discipline based on an extremely subtle science which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science for healthy living.

            The High Commission of India in Georgetown will be celebrating the International Day of Yoga-2021 on 19th June 2021 at 10 am. This year's theme is aptly titled “BE WITH YOGA, BE AT HOME ''. This Yoga Day event will be celebrated under strict COVID protocols and will be live broadcast on the facebook page of the High Commision of India and the Swami Vivekananada Cultural Center as well as in prominent Guyanese TV channels - E networks, GTV, CNS, MTV and NTN. The High Commission of India invites all Guyanese to join this celebration.


14 June 2021