High Commission of India, Georgetown, Guyana
Press Release Press Release

Indian Heritage Exposition 2022

As part of the Heritage month celebrations, the Guyanese of Indian Ancestry Association (GIAA) in association with the High Commission of India to Guyana has organized the Indian Heritage Exposition from 27-31 May 2022 at the Texila American University, Lot 24-42, Plantation, Providence, Georgetown, depicting the important features of the historical Indian presence in Guyana over the last 180 years. The event is open to all general public free of cost.

High commissioner of India Dr KJ Srinivasa stated that this exposition gives the visitors a chance to be properly informed about Indian Diaspora in Guyana, appreciate the countrys rich diverse culture and encourages them to embrace their history. The Expo is about reconnecting with Indian culture with a goal of continuing the rebuilding of the cultural identity of Indo-Guyanese. This year being the 75th year of Indian Independence (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav), the High commission will be organizing many other events in the near future.

27th May, 2022