High Commission of India, Georgetown, Guyana
Press Release Press Release

Indian Diaspora joining Prime Minister's appeal for solidarity in the fight against COVID-19



Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi had appealed to all Indians to show the nation's collective resolve and solidarity in its fight against coronavirus and to pay tribute to the healthcare workers in the country with a symbolic gesture across the country by switching off lights at their homes and lit candles and ‘diyas’ or turn on mobile phone torches on Sunday, 5 April 2020, night at 9 pm. for 9 minutes.  Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's appeal, the Indian nationals, Indian Diaspora Community and the friends of India in Guyana, Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis and Anguilla,  joined the call and turned off lights at their homes at 9 pm. yesterday (5 April) for 9 minutes and lit lamps and candles to express their solidarity with the campaign. The participation of Non-Resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) from these countries was led by H.E. Dr. K.J. Srinivasa, High Commissioner of India to Guyana, Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis and Consul General of India to Anguilla.


Many foreign Embassies and High Commissions in India including China, Afghanistan, Japan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Vietnam, Australia, Israel, Germany, Tunisia, Mexico and Poland also joined Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to light a candle or an earthen lamp to show togetherness in the fight against the novel coronavirus.


On Friday, 3 April, Prime Minister Modi in a video address to the nation had sought all Indians to shut off all lights and light a candle or an earthen lamp on 5 April in a show of solidarity and togetherness among all Indians in the country’s fight against the novel coronavirus. This was the second such appeal by PM Modi and the call have resonated with people as candles lit up the streets and people stood at their balcony or entrances to their homes. Earlier on 22 March, PM Modi had called on the people to observe a day of social distancing and then at 5 pm. clap, ring bells or clang pots and pans in a show of appreciation for all medical personnel on the frontlines in the battle to curb the spread of covid-19 in the country. The people across the nation from all walks of life had responded unitedly to PM Modi’s call then as well. Mr. Modi had earlier during an address to the nation on 24 March declared a complete lock down of India for 21 days from 25 March till 14 April to contain and control the pandemic which is working well for the country.   

