High Commission of India, Georgetown, Guyana
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17th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD) Convention

17th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD) Convention
The Government of India has been holding the Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas (PBD) Convention every year in the month of January to recognize the contribution of the Indian Diaspora in the growth and development of India. The opportunity is also used to present the members of Diaspora with avenues available in India to invest and be a part of the growth and success story in India. The occasion is also a time for the PIOs to find and connect to their roots in the land of their fore-fathers.
The forthcoming 17th PBD Convention is being held in the city of Indore in the State of Madhya Pradesh in India from 8-10 January 2023. A website ( https://pbdindia.gov.in/ )  has been created by the government to introduce all related information. The website was inaugurated by the External Affairs Minister of India and the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh jointly on 13th October. 
Since the forthcoming PBD Convention is being held in physical mode after 4 years due to Covid-19 restrictions, it is important that this is given wide publicity among the members of Diaspora and encourage them to visit India and be part of the Convention. You may notice that the time window of PBD Convention falls within Christmas and New Year vacation time when offices, schools and businesses are closed. Most of the members of the Indian Diaspora prefer to visit India during this period. Therefore, all are requested to impress upon such persons to combine their prospective plan to visit India with the PBD Convention and attend it.
You are also requested to publicize the PBD Convention website which gives all information about registration, booking of accommodation and transport and places of interest. 
You are further requested to share the information about PBD Convention with the members of your organization and acquaintances and encourage them to participate.
Your feedback may please be shared with the High Commission at the earliest possible.  

17th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD) Conventionbullet