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Shikshak Parv 2021

Ministry of Education will be celebrating 'Shikshak Parv', 2021 with theme "Quality and Sustainable Schools: Learnings from the Schools in India" commencing 7 Sept till 17 Sept, 2021 through virtual mode. Hon’ble PM will be addressing Inaugural Conclave on 7 Sept at 11 AM.

You are all cordially invited to the event!

Visit the following links to join conclave and webinars:

Youtube link for PM address:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8gVHt86fvs

PM webcast link (11:00 AM on 07th September 2021): https://pmindiawebcast.nic.in

Shikshak Parv webpage link: https://education.gov.in/shikshakparv