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Higher Education Summit

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2019 (FHES 2019), upcomming 15th  Global Conference & Exhibition will be held from 27th - 29th November 2019 at the Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi, India. The event is being jointly organized by Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC) & Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

The 2019 Summit will comprise of:

  • Exhibition - 150 plus exhibitors from leading Indian Institutions will showcase the best practices to the

global participants.

  • Global Conference - more than 1250 Indian and foreign University Presidents, Vice Chancel/ors, Deans and other participants from Africa, Middle East, SAARC, CIS, Canada, USA, UK, etc. are expected to participate at the Conference.
  • Regional Forums for Africa, CIS, Middle East, Asia including SAARC
  • RBSM for B2B, B2G and G2G Meetings - over 300 international stakeholders from more than 70 countries from Africa, Middle East, CIS, developing Asia including SAARC and other potential regions are expected to visit the event.
  • Campus visits on last day of the exhibition i.e. on 29th November 2019 will be organized for the foreign

delegates interested to visit the participating Institutes' campus.


  • Chancellors/Vice Chancellors/ Promoters / Directors / Principals / Chairpersons /Academicians / Senior Management / Administrative Heads & Decision makers of Universities /Higher Educational Institutions (Public & Private)
  • Government officials/ Policy makers / Think Tanks
  • Corporates/Industry representatives
  • Training Institutes Infrastructure and IT Companies providing technology products and services for Higher Education Sector
  • International Organizations & Associations, Embassies, High Commissions & Consulates
  • NGOs
  • Banks / Financial Institutions
  • Media… and many more.

For further information

Contact persons:

Mr. Sudhanshu Gupta

Senior Assistant Director, FICCI

E-mail : sudhanshu.gupta@ficci.com

Mr. Mayank Rastogi

Deputy Director, FICCI

E-mail : mayank.rastogi@ficci.com

Web: http://www.ficci-hes.com/

Email: education@ficci.com

Phone: +91-11-23738760-70

Fax: +91-11-23320714