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Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS) Scheme for the year 2016-17

Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists
(RTF-DCS) Scheme 2016-17.


Fifty (50) Fellowships are available to scientists, technologists and engineers of developing countries. The Fellowship is for a period of six months and offers full financial assistance to the Fellows, inclusive of round trip international airfare by economy class, a monthly allowance of US$525 for accommodation, meals and other expenses and a one-time grant of US$450 for research contingency.

The Fellowship is available in the areas of agricultural sciences, biological and medical sciences, minerals and metallurgy and other multi-disciplinary studies. Nominees should be scientists/researchers below 40 years of age (as on 1st Jan, 2016) and possess at least a Post Graduate Degree in any Natural science or an equivalent degree in Technology/Engineering/ Medicine or allied disciplines. Only electronic applications will be accepted (i.e email) and sent to NAM S&T Centre as per the contact details provided. Last date for submission of application is Friday, 17th June, 2016.


Application form for RTF-DCS

Announcement Brochure for RTF-DCS

List of Indian Institutions.